Monday, July 7, 2008

The Most Nervous Day Of My Life

Obviously this was August 12, 2006. This is the day the Scotter was eternally joined with his beautiful hot red-haired wife, Misty. We were sealed in the Baton Rouge Temple on this day. The whole week leading up to the wedding was pretty hectic. We had so much planting in my mom's flower gardens. I was constantly running back and forth to get sawdust to put in the flower beds. Misty and her two former roomates were putting the finishing touches on bridal things. We had to fight with our 25-year-old septic tank backing up into the house. Yes, it was like a scene from "Meet the Parents" but without the yard being soked. But in the end, The day was beautiful. We were sealed and had a wonderful ring ceremony afterwards with both sides of the family. As you can see, Misty is definately the "Better Half" in this photo.

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