Friday, October 24, 2008

Here's Macie!!!!!

Well, the doctor told us we were having a little girl. She's due around February 26, 2009. Yes we were both happy that it was a girl but at the same time we were excited about the possibility of having a little boy for Hunter to play with. We're planning on naming her Macie Lynn.

Now, do we want a red-head, brunette, blonde???? How about blue eyes or brown..maybe green. Hmmmm, curly or straight hair? I guess we'll just have to wait until next year.


Stacy and Justin said...

Congrats on a girl, we are so excited for you!

The Matthews' Five said...

i am so excited for you guys, I just love the name Macie! misty and macie, really cute! Although I am so excited to think of a new little niece in the family, I am not getting the baby bug yet, still happy just having my 3!